This SuperCard Trial Version has expired. SuperEdit 4.11 Trial Are you sure you want to convert this SuperCard Trial Version project into a regular SuperCard project? This operation is not reversible! Can't open this file. Are you sure you want to convert this SuperCard 3.x project into a SuperCard 4 project? This operation is not reversible, so be sure you perform it only on a copy of your 3.x project! You cannot install this application without a valid serial number. This Trial Version project has expired. Help Folder The SharedFile project is an old version. Please convert it to a new version. You will not have access to its resources this session. The SharedFile project is busy. You will not have access to its resources this session. SC Pouch Bridger the project you want SuperEdit 4.11 The file is already open or in use. There is not enough memory to open another project. You may only have 8 projects open at a time. Operating system error ^0 reported. File not found error reported. End of file error reported. This disk may be damaged. Input/output error reported. This disk may be damaged. Directory full error reported. Try deleting unwanted files on this disk. Resource not found error reported. SuperCard or SuperEdit may be damaged. Out of memory error reported. Bad pack or unpack error reported. There may not be enough memory. Bad path error reported. File may be damaged, please use a backup. Bad virtual ID match reported. File may be damaged, please use a backup. Bad virtual file system error reported. File may be damaged, please use a backup. Bad file checksum error reported. File may be damaged, please use a backup. Bad star ID error reported. File may be damaged, please use a backup.